Thursday, June 6, 2024


A man because of whom few suffered in their lives was in sizable difficulty all of a sudden..

“As you sow so you reap!

There are many places to help and many who truly need me at this point of time..

Let me move from here!”

Was the criticism from a man who was considered as the learned man in many fields..

“Every jackal has its day!

I've nothing to do as one has to necessarily pay thru' nose for the wrongs done..

Let me move from here!”

Were the words of the man of too much pride..

“Every effort pays!

No return will come to me if I help such a man..

Let me move from here!”

Was thought of a man who all the life looked for plus and minus alone..

“Time and tide wait for none!

Where is the extra energy with me to help such personalities?

Let me move from here!”

Was the lamenting of a man who was tired of his own hectic works all along..

“Service to Humanity is Service to God!

I'll extend my best support in reducing the suffering of this man..

Let me stay here!"

Was the decision of the man who believed in the concept..

'I am not the doer; I act through His Will!'

Keywords: help

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