Tuesday, June 4, 2024


As a young adult I was given what I wanted as well as what I demanded and that was the limit..

"That was my goal.. Nothing more I need for life!"

I shouted aloud..

Time moved.. I touched mid twenties..

As a growing adult, I had my own freedom of certain limited movements and involvement in few safer activities..

"That was my goal.. Nothing more I need for life!"

I said in no less voice..

Time never stopped.. I stepped into mid thirties..

As a middle aged adult, I was entrusted with certain responsibilities family and child care along with a few managerial works at Office.. 

"That was my goal.. Nothing more I need for life!"

I exclaimed..

Time ticked on and on.. I was in mid forties..

As a senior adult,
I was thrust with crucial responsibilities both at home as well as in office with no breathing time..

"That was my goal.. Nothing more I need for life!"

I said beaming within..

Time never stopped moving.. I rolled into in late 50s..

As a matured adult, 

I have become in-charge of limitless tasks at home, office and in neighborhood along with many financial activities..

"That was my goal.. Nothing more I need for life!"

I said fully contented..

Time continued moving.. I was in mid 60s..

As an adult of grey hair, I became mainly in-charge of certain financial management and family advising..

"That was my goal.. Nothing more I need for life!"

I said smilingly..

Time pulled on.. I stepped into 70s..

As an adult of advance age, I was left with just managing my day to day affairs..

"This is my goal.. Nothing more I need for life!"

I mused within..

This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop

Keywords: LIFE, GOAL

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