Monday, June 3, 2024


I beamed within, 

"I kept the within 6 enemies in check!"

My Consciousness said, 

"Your pride is saying that; make a note!"

I  declared, 

"I checked my desire going up limitless!"

My Consciousness warned,

"Here limitlessness is defined by the same desire as limit!"

I said with a smile,

"Of late, I'm all time cool whatever be happening. My anger is miles away from me!"

My Consciousness reminded,

"Those miles away become next door if time ripens!"

I said aloud, 

"Presently, greed is afraid of me as I increased my charity!"

My Consciousness smiled and said,

"That charity limit is defined by your accumulating tendency alone; know this!"

I said openly,

"I made jealousy an unknown word in the dictionary of my life!"

My Consciousness laughed and said, 

"Every word in that dictionary turns out to be only jealousy when the right object of comparison makes its appearance. Make a note!"

I wondered,

"I'm sure I am living with certain clarity as such thoughts are coming to me!"

My Consciousness confirmed,

"This is not clarity but 100% delusion as clarity forever is out of doubting yourself alone; nonetheless!"

Keyword: delusion


  1. This post reminded me of the seven deadly sins I was taught in my childhood catechism classes.

    1. A few thoughts here, Tomichan Matheikal on life aspects. Yes.. Stringent discipline in becoming better never takes one there. An interesting comment on the Post!
