Friday, June 28, 2024


Human expanded saying..

"Let me enjoy life!"

Awareness questioned..

"Can that enjoyment stop anything going wrong?"

Human reiterated saying..

"Forget anything going wrong.. Be positive!"

Awareness questioned back..

"Can forgetting and remaining positive stop anything going wrong?"

Human supported saying..

"Take general precautions suggested and take the issue off from your mind!"

Awareness continued questioning..

"Can all that doing stop anything going wrong?"

Human shot back..

"Then tell me what I have to do!"

Awareness put back the question..

"Is that the question to be asked?"

Human requested..

"OK.. Tell me what to do.."

Awareness replied..

"There is no doing here!"

Human wondered..


Awareness queried..

"Do you remember the whole of this as much while doing your actions?"

Human nodded in negative but questioned back..

"Ok.. I don't.. But tell me what happens if I remember that?"

Awareness smiled and clarified..

"Then you will question within.. 'Why am I after these enjoyments?'"

But the force of enjoyment is so strong, it'll not listen to whatever you say..

So the TRUTHFUL living in the situation is.. 

Turning this question inward but allowing that constantly simmer within

Re-route the enjoyments gently with a bridle.. Simultaneously,

Understanding the duties attached,

Turn them out as much possible to be a success all along.. Beyond,

Having a concern for the other person in picture avoid as much the remorse feeling taking over and thus

Face the whole process as is if you are a NON BELIEVER or

Understand that the Almighty is with you if you are a

BELIEVER, the BELIEVER - NON BELIEVER being ever printed in bold letters in your heart conveying the Sacred Message that both are identical and thus

Live your life full without doubt!"


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