Friday, August 30, 2024


"All my time beyond my work/my basic expression/sleep goes in caring for my family!"

"Have you made an attempt to check if any of this family time can be used to do some service?"

"100 times.. Not possible!"

"That amounts to not living your life full!"


"Is family care defined by you or that exists by itself?"

"When I love my family so much, can't I see the requirement there?"

"Dear! You can't decide when you are the person behind implementation of that decision!"

"I don't get it!"


If I do an action with attachment, I always define the borders according to my liking and not as per actual need..

I don't mean to say that you should live without attachment but know that you can't see the exact requirement there and that remains a limitation with you!"


"Nothing more to say other than saying that time for family is defined by me as per my wish but.. Ok.. Let that continue until certain awakening in me redefines that and that continues further..

Thus alone, goes this life in total!"

"All my time beyond my work/my basic expression/sleep goes in caring for family and in doing some service!"

"Have you made an attempt to check if any of this service time can be used to do more family care?"

"100 times.. Not possible!"

"That amounts to not living your life full!"


"Is doing service defined by you or that exists by itself?"

"When I love doing service so much, can't I see the requirement there?"

"Dear! You can't decide when you are the person behind implementation of that decision!"

"I don't get it!"


If I do an action with attachment, I always define the borders according to my liking and not as per actual need..

I don't mean to say that you should live without attachment but know that you can't see the exact requirement there and that remains a limitation with you!"


"Nothing more to say other than saying that time for service is defined by me as per my wish but.. Ok.. Let that continue until certain awakening in me redefines that and that continues further..

Thus alone, goes this life in total!"

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