Thursday, August 29, 2024

THE 10 FACTS OF MONEY! #Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024

When I hold it dearer, it does it's own damage to my life;
When I let it go off, it equally does, that damage!

When I get it, it says 'I can't stay with you!';
When I don't get it, it says 'By hook or crook, get me!'

When I Keep control on it, it creates frustration around;
When I leave control of it, it causes devastation around!

When I use it for good cause, it blesses me;
When I misuse it, it curses me!

When I raise it's name, it starts mesmerizing me;
When I stop talking about it, it starts teasing me!

When I think of it, it makes me amused beyond;
When I leave it's thoughts, it makes me sad equally beyond!

When I plan to make it, it appears dearest to me;
When I stop all those plans, it terrifies me indirect!

When I lose it, it makes me cry endlessly;
When I find it, it puts me on mountain temporarily!

When I multiply it, it multiplies greed in me;
When I shun it's growth, it terrorizes me beyond!

When I worship it, it pats on my back sure;
When I stop that worship, it pulls my leg double sure!

This post is a part of 

Keyword: MONEY


  1. Well said, difficult to let go and difficult to accumulate.

  2. Wow! I loved it. Every line is so true.

    1. That's so nice to hear and thank you for the compliment. Wishes!
