Thursday, September 19, 2024


A group of ardent Aspirants once visited a Monastery to have Blessings of the Great Saint and follow the discipline what the Master would tell them. The Master revealed certain Truth to them and said,

“Go and live your life on these lines of discipline!”

They returned with a firm decision to do that but soon all had fallen off from that Path with approximately 80% going back to their earlier life and 20% returning to the Great Saint disclosing their inability to stick to what He told them..

The Master revealed more Truth to them and said,

“Go and live your life on these lines of discipline!”

They returned with a firm decision to do that but soon all had fallen off from that Path approximately 50% going back to their earlier life and 50% returning to the Great Saint disclosing their inability to stick to what He told them..

The Master revealed some more Truth to them and said,

“Go and live your future life on these lines of discipline!”

They returned with a firm decision to do that but soon all had fallen off from that Path approximately 20% going back to their earlier life and 80% returning to the Great Saint disclosing their inability to stick to what He told them..

The Master took them to be His disciples saying,

“All are not truly evolved to follow all the disciplines of Truth. The Aspirants have to be repeatedly tested by their Masters in practical living and then only accepted as Disciples. Thus,

The Original Truth forever remains a Secret with the Masters


They alone know when to speak that and when to keep silence over that..

Concurring with what the Master had said, 

Verse 67, Chapter XVIII of Srimad Bhagavad Gita 

Was heard simultaneously on the loud Speakers of the Monastery with the meaning explained wherein Lord Krishna says to Arjuna..

'idam te natapaskaya nabhaktaya kadacana
na casurusave vacyam na ca mam yo bhyasuyati'

'You should never disclose this science to one devoid of austerities, nor to one who is not devoted, nor to one adverse to spiritual advancement and never to one who is envious of me!'"


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