Thursday, September 12, 2024


"Do what you like 
Within the legal, social, moral and ethical boundaries and 
Enjoy your life!"
Mind cajoled human..

"Do what is good for you and 
Remain safe in your life!"
Consciousness alerted human..

"I set all round limits for your doings..  
You are definitely safe there!"
Affirmed Mind..

"Agreed, you are safe. But still 
There's no good in that doing!"
Replied Consciousness..

"What bad 
Is there if one is within the limits I set?"
Mind queried Consciousness..

"It's not bad.. It's no good..
Bad is something that doesn't bother to take care of peace in life.. 
Good takes care of that and 
No good will be unable to take care there!"
Clarified Consciousness..

"It's just jugglery of words!"
Said Mind..

"They are the words of wisdom.. 
Doing as per one's liking 
May stabilize human this moment but 
It doesn't guarantee that stability next moment.. 
Whereas doing good guarantees that stability next moment too!"
Said Consciousness..

"What's that great good you are talking of?"
Questioned Mind..

"Today's experiences always chain the person and 
Doing good there is nothing but 
Living life of the least number of such experiences
 Leaving self 
That much free to meet the challenging tomorrow!
Replied Consciousness with a cheer!


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