Thursday, September 12, 2024


  • "I love listening to all those loud drum beatings. My room should vibrate with those sounds endlessly!"
Said aloud the youth in teens..
  • "I love listening to pop music. Nothing beats those sounds. I can go with that for any length of time!"
Said the young lady of early 20s with an exclamation..
  • "I love hustle and bustle of city life on my ears!"
Said the young man of mid 20s..
  • "I love mid night noise of the musical nite next to me!"
Said the young man of late 20s..
  • "I love classical tunes. Keep them on in low tone, relax endlessly!"
Said the lady of early 30s..
  • "I love classical vocal music. Put on ear plugs with that music soothing the ears, time goes just like that!"
Said the man of mid 30s..
  • "I love September thunders roaring in my ears!"
Said the man of early 40s..
  • "I love the soothing voice of cockoo in my ears!"
Said the lady of mid 40s..
  • "I love listening to all those folklore songs continuously!"
Said the man of late 40s..
  • "I love listening to the gentle musical tones of cool breeze as it touches me!"
Said the lady of mid 50s..
  • "I love listening to chirruping sounds of morning birds!"
Said the man of late 50s..
  • "I love those devotional songs melodiously sung next to me!"
Said the lady of early 60s..
  • "I love listening to devotional songs in perfect Sruti of Tambura, in correct Laya of Mrudangam and in musical Ragam!"
Said the man of mid 60s..
  • "I love silence!"
Said the elderly man of 70s with a feeble smile!


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