Monday, September 30, 2024


*** In late teens..

"Lots and lots of activities.. Many things to do.. 

No time to breathe!"

*** In early 20s..

"Searching for job.. Preparing for interviews.. Joined the Gym.. Many movies on the list.. 

No time to breathe!"

*** In mid 20s..

"This job is eating out my time.. Following tips on health and safety.. Planning great travel.. 

No time to breathe!"

*** In late 20s..

"Have to take care of health, safety, job, earnings, family, spending, travel and what not.. Too many activities.. 

No time to breathe!"

*** In mid 30s..

"On one side, health, safety, job, earnings and on the other side family, children schooling, travel, savings.. 

No time to breathe!"

*** In mid 40s..

"Health, safety, job, promotions, family, Children college studies, travel, investments.. The list is endless.. 

No time to breathe!"

*** In mid 50s..

"Tonnes of activities in front.. Have to take care of health, safety, job, promotions, family, children settlement, money matters, real estate buying, travel..

No time to breathe!"

*** In early 60s..

"May be retired from job but activities go no stop.. Health, Safety, re-settlement, handling precious retirement monies, family care, playing with little ones..

No time to breathe!"

*** Beyond..

"These days, I've no great activities but a small problem has come up.. I was advised to do daily a set of
Breathe in and breathe out

Exercises to improve my....."