Wednesday, October 16, 2024


"Finally, I am forced to live rest of my life in this cramped hut like house surrounded by

Endless noise with too many people around and 
No great furnishings inside but stuffy environment plenty..

This one has just 3 doors, one front and 2 inside..

If I keep front door closed, the house is 50% dark in day time itself,

Alas! What a life I dreamed of and what life I got in reality.. Sure, my bad luck!"

Thus were going on my thoughts that Sunday morning hrs..

There was a knock on the door..

"Who's that?"

I queried.. Pat came the answer..

"Me, the Good Luck here.. Came to help you!"

"Oh! You! Welcome dear! Please do something. Fed up with the present living place!"

"Yes.. I' m here for that only.. Say.. Bye.. To your agony!"

"Thank you, Good Luck!"

"I understood your turmoil about your present home and I got a new one readied as per your wish.  Are you interested to see your new home? 
You get there what you miss here!"

Thank you, Good Luck.. I'm ready!"

"Close your eyes.. Next moment you will be shifted to your favorite dwelling.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 

Ok done.. Now open your eyes.. You are in your so much craved environment!"

"Oh! Such a sophisticated furnished apartment

So much fresh air..
So much light..
So much cool..
No noise around..

Love this my new home..

Thank you, Good Luck.. Let me see other things.. Let me go out..

What? You found this fully furnished apartment with no door in the middle of desert for me?"

"Yes.. You wanted no people around..  I satisfied your wish..

You wanted no noise around.. I satisfied your wish..

You wanted best lighting.. House glittering with day light, you got..

You were unhappy with 3 doors.. Mutiple entrances  are there for this house..

You were unhappy with small house and cramped space.. This is a huge apartment with unlimited leg space everywhere..

You got what you wanted!"

"No.. No.. Take me away from here.. I don't want to live here..

This lonely huge apartment with no doors in the middle of desert with pin drop silence is a curse on me, not a blessing..

This may be a mansion with sophisticated furnishings but it can never make a home

Good Luck, I beg you, move me away from this haunted mansion 
back to my dear home where

Everything around may not provide comfort but warmth around is limitlessly great..

Miss my ever vibrant little sweet home!"

This post is a part of BlogchatterBlogHop

Keywords: SWEET, HOME

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