Tuesday, October 15, 2024


A Believer and a Non-Believer

Had certain misfortune in their lives..

Both were disturbed a bit but soon recovered, quickly worked out a solution and started living with
  • The Believer offering a daily Prayer to God for overall take care and
  • The Non-Believer remaining as is..
Time moved on and as both started relaxing, suddenly they had to face another misfortune..

Both were disturbed quite a bit this time, slowly recovered and with half heart worked out a solution and as they started living thus with
  • The Believer offering a daily Prayer to God for overall take care and
  • The Non-Believer remaining as is
They got into a 3rd misfortune 
very much asserting the Saying..

'Mishaps do not come single!'

That was the limit but with so many problems in front, both had no go other than facing them and as they started thinking deeply on the same, a new innovative idea came up in them..

‘Why not from now, work systematically taking care everywhere so that problems do not come up at all?’

And it further struck in them that to do all that, a good discipline and care are required from their side..

When they thus got a certain way of solving / avoiding problems, it suddenly struck them that

The Murphy’s Law says..

’Whatever has to happen will happen!’

Whatever be the care behind..

Soon a great calmness returned to them as by then, they truly understood in depth the major philosophy of life of streamlining issues thru'


And wait patiently for the ultimate result..

Still a certain unrest was there at simmering level and they truly could not find a solution there..

That Evening, as usual they went out for their regular walk,

The voice from the distant loud speakers was heard reciting Srimad Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 18 Sloka 66) concluding the Essence of Gita wherein the Lord Proclaimed..

'sarva-dharman parityajya mamekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarva papebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah'

'Beyond all ideas of righteousness with you, just surrender to me in total. I will deliver you from all the sinful reactions ever happening in you. Do not despair!'

Both suddenly were in a state of an unknown happiness..

Both firmed up..

“The element of uncertainty is a fact of life and none has control on that whatever be one's care therein..

Nothing can be done here except doing the works sincerely with all dedication and at the end,
  • Offer a sincere Prayer to the Lord (The words of Believer) and
  • Remain firm thus (The words of Non-Believer)
That attitude alone makes one withstand the odds of life and remain peaceful ultimately!”