Friday, May 26, 2017


I was too tired with the incessant works pouring in at the back of a few sleepless nights. I had to

  • Constantly monitor certain movements around, 
  • Keep a continuous watch on the likelihood hold-ups and 
  • See that the many loose ends were tied up in time..
Till the planned function would become truly a success.

Being the senior member of the big joint family, I could not let off the issues go so easily. Of course, I could have taken a nap and rested when others were asleep. But that was the exact time, I had to do certain own personal and other odd jobs. And seen from any angle, that was sure the wisdom in the situation!

Once the D-Day was over, the whole time would be mine and I could sleep long, long hrs if I wished so. Then none would be put to hardship and peace would be ruling in every one’s mind. And it was just 2 more days to go and better say bye to sleep as much as possible!

That afternoon after lunch, I was ready with my activities. And there was an impasse for a while. As I was tired beyond, I just rested for a while in my easy-chair watching all round giving my continuous advice to people who were moving here and there

  • Listening to that, 
  • Doing their works and 
  • Equally communicating between themselves..
Slowly I became
  • Silent and dull as my watching continued, 
  • Words from my lips coming out on their own but were broken,
  • In no time became whispers and
  • Finally stopped as my eyes closed myself tilting to a side slowly resting my head against the pillow.. 
Seeing that, the members might have left me ‘As Is’ and were busy with their own activities.

Time moved on..

In between I got up twice but strangely felt myself surrendering to my sleep knowingly well my responsibilities at that point of time at the back of hustle and bustle going on around. As I remember,

  • The hustle and bustle looked so soothing to my ears, 
  • The hazy movements of the people in front slowly disappeared and 
  • Soon I was into a deep sleep..
Someone was seen gently waking me up after a certain time..

"It’s 5 PM. Everything is ready. Now we have to move on. Please wake up!”

I slowly opened my eyes. And it took about 5 minutes for me to come to my full senses.

What had happened? It looked around all cool and relaxing. Nothing went wrong and all were ready to move to the Spot for the Final Show.

As the I looked at my watch to my astonishment I noticed that a time of approx 3 hrs elapsed without my single thought, word and action being in picture.. Luckily during that time,

  • The movements were exact,
  • the links were well connected and 
  • the plans were fully accomplished
With a beaming face, I got readied in minutes and soon moved on to the venue and subsequently the planned Function went on in full swing to my satisfaction..

That night, my mind was at it's peak with joy .. The so much loved job, planned for so many days in advance, meticulously followed towards completion no doubt had a slippage of about 3 hrs vigil but successfully.. 'Done and dusted!'

I shouted heartfelt within.. "It's my achievement!"

And Right at that point of time, Slokah 47 Chapter II from Srimad Bhagavad Gita was heard on the distant loud speakers being recited melodiously with meaning explained in parallel..

'karmany evadhikaras te ma phalesu kadacana
ma karma phala hetur bhur ma te sango stv akarmani'

'You certainly have right for prescribed activities but never at anytime in their results. You should never be motivated by the results of the actions, nor should there be any attachment to doing your prescribed activities!'

 This post is a part of  
an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Keywords: Bhagavad Gita, activities, results, attachment

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