Wednesday, January 31, 2018


“It is fact that many times, I'm not allowed to learn properly among my group of friends. I want to learn and whenever I ask a question in that context, I'm often ridiculed or bullied and then only given the right answer. People around me feel so much to part with their knowledge 'As Is' and I have to struggle to get it from them. In case I don’t ask, then also there's a problem.

I'll become a laughing stock in no time without proper knowledge and that squarely is going to happen amidst many which is sure a disgrace to my personality. So, knowing/learning alone is the answer here but there is a virtual price I've to pay for that. I'm sad!”

“See, dear! I understand what you say and you may learn by paying a price for certain knowledge but that's always limited because the general knowledge is never taught beyond. Moving with friends and learning through an active participation in many ways alone gives the right knowledge and makes one's learning complete.

But all along, there's a finer way of approach in this great learning process which many times you may not be aware of. Let me explain a little more here..

Whenever I move with people in my life, that active movement can be broadly classified as either

Intervention or

Squarely getting into one's personal affairs is interference and questioning somewhat extra is intervention. Both of these should sure be avoided carefully during any learning process because I should never inconvenience others in the process..

The right way here is proper interaction only. It means.. I carry the necessary respect for the other man for his/her extra knowledge which I'm presently lacking and which I want to make my own as that makes me ever a stronger personality in the world as well as helps me indirectly in understanding the Truth.

In this process, there's a lot I

Grasp and

At the back of certain unfailing

Patience and

From my end.. With such a dynamic attitude, when I make myself available to listen to what the other man is saying, I truly fit in the context of the Sacred Saying of the Universe,

'Ascharyo Shrotah! (The Listener is a wonder!)'

Without a say.. As I thus ready myself to take the best from the world for my uplift as well as for the world's betterment, in no time, the best speaker too emerges by my side to satisfy the teaching required therein equally fitting into the other part of the Sacred Saying Viz.,

'Ascharyo Vaktah! (the Speaker is a wonder!)

And thus continue his/her telling the exact required at that moment truly benefiting me in particular and the world at large!

Tell me, presently are you really disciplined thus at your end before learning the so called 'NEW' around you or simply approaching in a relaxed way giving flimsy excuses?"

Keywords: Listener, Speaker, NEW


  1. Very true Patience & persistence. I also wrote a story for my elder daughter on Patience & persistence values & meaning.

    1. That's really Great! Anyhow, thanks for leaving a Nice Comment on the Post....

  2. This is a wonderful piece! Thank you for sharing your knowledge :)
