'A crow sitting on a branch of tree with a piece of meat in its beak was constantly attacked by the other crows and it had to hop continuously from one branch of a tree to the another. At one point of time, it dropped down the meat piece and all crows immediately went after the meat piece fighting among themselves. Subsequently the original crow rested on the branch of a tree calm and undisturbed!'
.. A story told by the Great Saint
There is a duty in front of me at every moment of my life. That duty is doing a particular work which keeps my personality ultimately happy and stable. Often, I am prevented from doing that duty by my mind thru' a certain no less force..
It lures.. Bargains.. Makes a promise..
If all fail,
Terrorizes and makes me fall a prey to it..
No doubt I should wage a war here but my initial safeguard should be.. I should
Smile, manage through a little diplomacy and appear everywhere a little less,
Smile, manage through a little diplomacy and appear everywhere a little less,
Start setting right my 'Own House',
Reduce my dependence as much and
Continue the routine works with more vigor..
It may be the feelings of
despondency, desperation, pain and becoming aimless or being lost in life for the time being with
the mind oscillating between the thoughts
despondency, desperation, pain and becoming aimless or being lost in life for the time being with
the mind oscillating between the thoughts
‘Better don’t get into it!’
As well as
‘No.. Face it.. That's the only way with you at this moment!’
Both ways appearing ‘right’ and ‘wrong’..
Knowing such an attitude of man, the Great Personalities of the world have often advised..
"Since the absolute Right path is far away from you, the wisdom is to identify that right which is feasible for you so that neither you relax unnecessarily nor you get into too much of confrontation. Both are not good. Just restrict your life within these limits but forever keep an eye open for a 'Better Action' which can defy both the enjoyment and the threat a little more and thus lead your life!"
As I start following that discipline, soon I understand that all
Powers, Facilities and Recognition
Are given to me not to
Rule, Gain and Feel Proud
But to
Instill discipline, Get the work done and Improve the quality of life
And in that state of existence
each and everyday of mine would be filled with
Poise, Contentment and Peace
Evolving myself into a person of well balanced and stable mind and heart!
The Post is written in line with this week's IndiSpire Prompt
The Post ia written for BlogChatter too to #CauseAChatter
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