Monday, June 15, 2020


I was waiting and it happened miraculously. That precious boon has been given to me to change one thing in this human world..

Left to me, I always wanted to be plain and out spoken. I ever hated the politics of

Talking politely in front but criticize next moment in the back..

If people stopped playing those games of politics around, how beautiful and worth living life on earth would be?

Yes.. Let me make use of this boon for the good of the world and bring a change here. Once I do, 

Those nightmare experiences of mine as well of those of similar mentalities surely become the thing of the past!"

The wise man next to me was heard saying..

"Why are you degrading yourself by talking like this?"

I shot back..

"Myself degrading? What are you saying? It happened to me alone many times. I wanted to be open but whoever was there in the scenario, took advantage of me for their selfish gains!"

"Are you really open here? In the process of your interactions have you at any time, truly listened to the other man?"


"Dear! What I see in others is forever the reflection of what is in my mind only..

When I see bad in others, there is no doubt that much bad is in me. And when I see good in others, that much good is there in me too..

Thus, when I am conscious of what playing politics is, I am 100% ready to play the same politics with others and there my pretension alone is covering up my talk of doing good to the world..

To that extent my mind is sure corrupt!"

I was confused.. I questioned back..

"Do you mean to say that I should keep off when certain deliberate bad takes place next to me? I'm not a Saint here to do that!"

"Yes.. Dear! We are not Saints to keep quiet when certain wrong takes place next to us. It's 100% my duty to bring out the wrong done and take necessary steps required to help those affected as well as do the required in respect of the erred persons as per the law of land supporting there as much..

When one thus continues doing right actions and rises in the Concept of Universal Oneness, the refinement in his/her actions in respect of helping out and correcting too goes up endlessly..

As an ordinary mortal, I don't know what is in store for me in respect of experiencing the Universal Love and there I am just part of the Almighty Plans my role being 

Taking out as much of my ignorance thru' right actions and keeping my house clean for dawn of Wisdom..

Simultaneously upholding 

Reference to such Noble Actions

As that proclaimed by the Great Saint.. 

'The hand that hit me is serving me!'

When asked by His serving disciple to check whether the Great Man had come to consciousness after the brutal attack by a rowdy element!"

Now tell me.. Suppose I'm given the boon by God to change one thing in this human world, what should I change?

Is it not changing myself, myself and myself alone all the time?"

The Post is written in line with this week's IndiSpire Prompt Suppose you're given the boon by god to change one thing in this human world. What will you change? #UltimateChange

The Post is written for BlogChatter too to #CauseAChatter.



  1. That's really an eye-opener Sir. Inadvertently though, we follow this wrong practice (just like some reflex action) which we must discard altogether.

    1. Rightly said, Jitendra.. It's ever an instantaneous reaction in us.. Thanks for the appreciation.. Love it and wishes!
