Sunday, March 14, 2021


'A Saint passed thru' a busy market and seeing many items displayed there, remarked,
"There are so many items here that I don't need in my life!"'

When I repeat similar sayings, what am I actually in my life compared to an ordinary man? A message in that context is conveyed here thru' the following conversation..

### "Wow! So many items next to me so precious.. I love them all so much..

The laptop.. Many works I can do with a click..

The smart phone.. Without this what communication will I have around me?

The bicycle.. So much useful for local movements and lots of exercise..

The washing Machine.. It makes my washing easy and relaxing..

Also, the camera, the iron box, the chair, my best books, the alarm clock.. What not?

The real precious items of my life!"

The young man next to me was thus simply so joyful with all those items. A smile came up on my face seeing his short lived enjoyments and I thought, it's time to educate him on the realities of life. I said softly,

"Dear! Why are you talking so much about all these items? They just are there to help you in your life; that's it and not anything more!"

"But, Sir! I can't resist developing interest in them. I love to have all those with me. So much I can do with them!"

"My dear! All these mesmerize man from head to tail and you feel your life is that only. You may do many things with them, proudly show them to your friends, feel happy possessing them but all these are ultimately lifeless man made objects. Have you ever thought in that direction?"

"I tried a few times but I didn't understand anything beyond.. 

To tell you Sir openly, at this point of time, all these items next to me fulfill all the requirements of mine and I love to have them with me all my life. The real precious items of my life.. Left to myself, I feel my life is full with these items!"

"That's called the powerful attachment. It mesmerizes in secs and makes you feel the items are so precious!

Let me tell you something here. Leave all these for a while, pick that Single Book kept in distance and open Chapter II!"

"Oh! Srimad Bhagavad Gita?"

"Yeah!.. Now, read aloud Slokas 62 and 63!"

"dhyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesupajayate
sangat sanjayate kamah kamat krodho bhijayate

krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smrti vibhramah
smrti bhramsad buddhi naso buddhi nasat pranasyati!"

"OK.. Let me explain the meaning here..

'By brooding over sense objects (involving in self gratification), attachment develops, from attachment desires come up, from desires (when not satisfied) anger comes up,

From anger delusion occurs, from delusion bewilderment of memory takes place, after that discrimination capacity goes and losing discrimination one perishes!'

So systematically and so clearly said how slowly all these poisonous objects overtake you and keep you in such a mesmerized state, you know, the moment any of one of them is not available next to you, you go mad and in the process you become nothing. So, be wise, stop all this immature talk and rise. You have to do it for your good..

If you ask me the same question.. 'In this room what you like?', I forever put my hand on this one Sacred Book and nothing else..

Today itself, order a copy of this Book and keep it next to you all your life.The good will really accrue to you..

To tell you Dear openly, at this point of time, that Single Book next to me fulfills all the requirements of mine and I love to have It with me all my life.. The real precious item of my life.. Left to myself, I feel my life is full with that Single Book!"

‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend,

an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’