Friday, April 9, 2021


1. When introduced to it..

"I did nothing.. Some one said, 'It's a small reward for the little extra work you do!' and I helped there.. That's all!"

2. When lured towards the same..

"It's just the sum of 'plus' & 'minus'. The 'minus' is where my rightful entitlement at stake and the 'plus' is the extra I get that neutralizes that 'minus..' Simple mathematics!"

3. While hopping over that..

"Nothing to worry.. Don't take care now, end up with a life in which you can't do anything great!"

4. When that hopping continued..

"The interesting part of life.. Without these extras, this life is meaningless. Let me not think too much!"

5. When slowly got caught in the net of that..

"You see, how things around move and glow? What's the use of those great talks except starving yourself?"

6. When firmly got into it's clutches..

"Great.. There's so much in life which the honesty sure covers up.. Today, I've everything with me!"

7. When got intoxicated with its influence..

"This is life.. 'I speak.. I rule.. I dictate.. And there's nothing I can't do!'"

8. When that has gone into the head..

"Forget about preachings and all that stuff and finally end up in low life all along.. What for?"

9. When it scaled up further into the brains..

"There's no separate heaven. This is only that!"

10. When that has blown off to roof top..

"None can touch me now.. My endless money alone talks and rules.. All that talk on honesty, questioning is just under the carpet when notes roll out!"

But sure at some point of time in later life..
  • “Thought I was the king here but without my knowledge the king maker made use of me all these days throwing the bones laced with meat at me. What is that I achieved in the end?
  • My friend who stuck to the corrupt free discipline might not have got all this luxury but got steadily all that required to live a decent life as per his rightful entitlement and beyond totally is at peace today!"
I am participating in the Blogchatter A2Z Challenge 2021 starting on April 1st, 21 and this is my 8th Post in that context..

#BlogchatterA2Z - 2021

Keywords: HONESTY, #BlogchatterA2Z