Wednesday, April 27, 2022


If an individual has no enough means, he/she many times has to work for some one and receive wages. If has enough, he/she will often make some one work for some one, pay wages and take profit. The employee and employer concepts are defined thus. Further, 

The philosophy of a 100% Socialist Economy says..
'Work according to capacity and take according to need!'
The philosophy of a 100% Capitalist Economy says..
'Work according to capacity and take according to capacity!'

The Mixed Economy alone sustains ultimately ranging from more of capitalist type structure to more of socialist type depending on the gap between the rich and poor involved!

Better, I repeat the above Mantra daily within myself before entering my Work Arena! 

All works basically vary 
From totally service type with nil profit aim with funds flowing from outside
To totally business type with max profit interest with nil funds flowing from outside!

Better I know how exactly funds flow into my Organization!

Dignity of work is a concept in Nature which changes with time. The world has defined the dignity of work many times with deficiencies and never could do it to perfection.. 

Philosophies of the Capitalist, Socialist or Mixed Economies in vogue often define the dignity of work. Equally the survival aspects are the basic dictating forces behind all such rules and regulations!

Better, I conceive that whole concept of working before going to have a tiff with my employer on flimsy issues!

Continuous improvement is the philosophy of surviving in a rather harsh competitive environment. No short cuts help there!

Better I start revising my basic learning never forgetting it under the cool of my daily routine!

Most of the jobs in the world are in buyers’ market where the buyer dictates and the seller confirms. Only a few jobs of very high specialized skills are in the sellers’ market where the seller dictates and the buyer listens!

Mostly, the seller's role of confirming is inevitable for me at my work. Better I tune up for that! 

Active work life lies between ages approx 20-60 yrs. Below 20 is the period of developing basic skills for coming up job and above 60 is of advices and consultations on jobs executed! 

Better, I utilize this precious time '20-60' with full devotion which can never be extended in a life time!

In work environment, continuity of job with related responsibilities is more important than getting increments and promotions!

Better I look at my assignment with more attention instead of constantly gazing thru' my pay slips and promotional orders!

Jobs are given thru’ references. During the employment period, my reference forever is the current Employer + all the previous Employers!

Better I stop quarreling with my work of today as none can erase that bad in future at any time!

Career growth directly or indirectly is a must in many spheres of work except super specialized skill areas. Starting with working level one will soon be doing a Supervisory Role, beyond rises to Managerial Level and finally reaches Senior Executive Level or above that! 

A halt to my career growth beyond certain time is ever seriously viewed in the Employment Arena and can never bring riches. Better I remain attentive here!

Every business has certain limit of operating finances. That depends on 
The demand in the market for the product, 
The paying capacity of the customers, 
The number of customers that consume the product,
The investing strategies of the company etc..

Accordingly the salary structure and career plans are implemented for the particular set-up! 

May be my time now..

I reconsider my decision of sticking to my existing set-up without moving to the next business level very much feasible!

I'm participating in #BlogchatterA2Z

Keywords: #BlogchatterA2Z, WORK

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