Monday, February 20, 2023


"Grandpa! Tell me a story!"

The grandchild growing in foreign land asked his grandfather at native place on FT..

"Ok.. Dear! I'm going to tell you the rabbit and turtle story today!"

"What are you saying? That story every child knows. Tell me a new one!"

"I am telling you the new story only. This is the story of the rabbit and turtle!"

"Okay.. Tell me!"

"Once the rabbit decided to have race with the turtle.  The turtle said to the rabbit,

"I am mostly in waters. Still I can come to land to take up the race. Remember, you will lose because you are too fast everywhere!"

The rabbit replied,

"May be I am fast everywhere, then why don't win this race because you are slow and steady?"

The humble turtle said nothing and instantly agreed for the race..

The rabbit firmed up,

"I needn't bother so much as this turtle is ever slow and never a land dwelling one. But still, let me reach the destination point first and then take lots of rest before this one comes!"

Soon, the race began and in no time the rabbit was at the destination..

'Yes.. It's over now.. The turtle will struggle minimum one hr to come here. Moreover, it needs to wet itself on the way for a while..

The sun is bright and it's too hot. That thick bushy tree looks so cool and invites me. I'll rest for about half hr below the tree. Nothing to worry. Am at the destination only!'

The rabbit thought, moved to tree and rested under its shade. Soon it went into deep sleep..

"I won!"

The rabbit heard loud voice of turtle and got up from its deep sleep. As it opened its eyes, it saw the turtle in front waving it's hand..

'I came here long back. How are you the winner?'

The rabbit screamed.. The turtle replied with a smile..

'Look at our target point. I am already here. Look where you are. Under the bushy shady tree that comes before coming to the target point. Who won then?'

How is the story, dear?"

"Nice story Grandpa! The rabbit lost as it was over confident of everything!"

"Yes, dear! Every story has a Moral. Here the Moral is..


Keywords: HASTE, REPENT, #WriteAPageADay


  1. And we had better never to forget this Moral. Thanks for reminding Sir.

    1. Just out few musings within me that gave thought to make it a blog post.. Thanks for the compliment.. Wishes!
