Saturday, August 5, 2023


I am an embodiment of certain instinct by birth

To which experiences of my life pleasant and unpleasant to me are constantly added from then making me

A certain personality of today..

Whenever I come across people in my life, 

The memories of those pleasant and unpleasant experiences stored in my mind which had equally gone deep into my personality

Instantly look at experiences from them

The pleasant ones only,

Crave for them endlessly and 

Highly welcome them all the time..

All those bad experiences stored in my mind naturally repel any unpleasant experiences forced on me or likely to come up

And I take all advance care to avoid them..

Seen in such context,

Experiences with known people's interactions are well known to me

I sure expect similar ones alone from them if not exact

Rarely I experience the unpleasant ones

And so, I am happy to interact with known people almost without a second thought

Unless the known person behaved recently badly unexpected or changed over a period of time..

In respect of strangers, it is totally unknown to me how my experiences are going to be

Nothing is known even though the stranger looks be a good personality

It has to be tested and evaluated over a period of time in spite on the face, things may be looking alright as

Appearances are often deceptive..

So the safe of channel available to me is,

Instantly say 


To all such interactions max

And if forced upon,

Try giving lame excuses or use some technique

And avoid them max..

That is why do we go out of our way to avoid interacting with strangers!

The post is written in line with this week's Indispire Prompt

Why do we go out of our way to avoid interacting with strangers? What are we afraid will happen? #becauseweneedtotalk


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