Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"ARE WE '5 & 1/2' OR '7'?

The 5 enemies of human had a heated argument with the 6th enemy, delusion..

"I propel human continuously to possess!"

Asserted desire firmly ..

"I instigate human to fight endlessly!"

Shouted anger in high pitch..

"I lure the person to acquire non stop!"

Said greed sheepishly..

"I keep the person on throne constantly!"

Beamed pride proudly..

"I make human run on and on thru' comparisons!"

Cracked jealousy softly..

"Can you talk of yourself?  Why silent? Actually you do half what we do.. Better call yourself half.. Together we are only 5 and 1/2 enemies to human; not 6!"

All 5 said together looking at delusion..

Delusion kept silence..

Suddenly human became totally poised and contented..

Desire tried to overpower, the person was unperturbed..

Anger provoked, the person remained calm..

Greed lured, the person was unmoved..

Pride tried to show off, the person remained humble..

Jealousy instigated, there was no change in the person..

"What's happening? Why we have suddenly become nothing before ordinary human? Is something wrong with us?"

All 5 screamed together..

"Don't worry.. See now!"

Saying thus delusion changed it's apparel..

The human in no time left the 



Overpowered thru' delusion 

Was back to normal earthly living 

Again overpowered thru' delusion..

"Do you agree now that I do double compared to you? Tell me.. 

ARE WE '5 & 1/2' OR '7'?"

Queried delusion mischievously!

Keyword: delusion


  1. These negative emotions can corrode our wellbeing. It's better to focus on good emotions.

    1. The story quoted here basically talks of how quickly and easily the 6 enemies of human overpower the person if one is not careful as well as says that one is not free of them even one follows a strict discipline controlling these forces within. Our Spiritual Leaders all along said, the way of living life is not thru’ controlling these emotions but allow them, observe them and know how they catch over in the right moment. The Philosophy of Life freely talks on these as 6 enemies of human which will ever do damage to the person. In that context alone this story is written saying how powerful the delusion next human works making the person often believe that one is elevating. Hope I could convey the right message of the post. Thanks for the critical observation here!
