Sunday, June 2, 2024


Once, there was a question in front of people,

"How do you handle work responsibilities and family responsibilities simultaneously in your life?"

Some assertively said,

"Family responsibilities sure are primary because without family what's the point in working so hard?  To maintain self so much working is not required.  If I'm doing that, it means I am only killing time nothing else!"

Some equally asserted,

"Work responsibilities double sure are primary because if work is not there neither self nor family can be taken care of. If work is taken care, at the end of the day whatever be, 

'All is well!'

Also, whatever struggle family puts up in the absence of the earning member, is good for family members because they indirectly become capable!"

Finally, the person of deep Insight said,

"Both family responsibilities and work responsibilities are Sacred and which is primary is ever a million dollar question to answer.. 

  • Both need full attention, 
  • May need at times not 24 hr but 25 hrs attention in a day and equally
  • No other hindrance should come in the way of discharge those responsibilities...

Then if a question is asked how to discharge both simultaneously, I should never forget that

Discharge of responsibilities can be direct and indirect..

Here alone, I have to alternate between the two,

Where direct presence is required, handle the other indirectly and thus manage both..

Agreed, there may be moments, where both need direct attention and in such cases, I should not forget that I am not alone in the scenario but with people.  People themselves adjust to such circumstances and see that nothing less is done on both sides!"

Keywords: BEST, ANSWER

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