Monday, August 26, 2024


King Shishupala was a hater of Lord Krishna and constantly used to do bad in his kingdom and insult the Lord. People many times expected that the Lord would stop that and restore peace in the world.. 

But Lord Krishna used to say,
  • “I had given a promise to his mother that I will not harm him till he completes one hundred mistakes in respect of me..
  • The hundredth mistake is not yet touched upon and still he has a chance of improving. Let that happen, with the hundredth mistake, I will do the required!”
The story says that King Shishupala completed the hundredth mistake through an insult at Lord at a Great Function arranged by King Yudhisthira and Lord Krishna brought an end to that, at that point of time 

To restore peace and happiness in the world!

Through this story, a Message is conveyed that God expects me too wait with certain patience by pardoning the usual mistakes committed by others.. 

Thus, definitely it is a duty with me not to give back instantly when actions of people become unacceptable to me and sometimes may cause a little hindrance to my personal life.. 

This quality of pardoning has a true support in all walks of life because of two reasons..

Number one is.. 

I too occupy and live on the same base as the other person and thus I too can commit similar mistakes not once and many times or may be doing presently which do not surface because of certain influences I exert around or due to my clever management..

That way, basically I'm not less in doing or ready to do mistakes..

Number two is.. 

Every one should be given a fair chance of correcting himself/herself for the mistakes he/she does as that is one of my duties with my people around.. 

This self correction by an individual consumes certain time, meanwhile he/she may commit some more mistakes and then taper off.. 

The individual should be allowed to go through this process rather than facing curbing or sidelining at the earliest mistake he/she commits.. 

Beyond, it's equally a duty with me to see that important issues are never lost track of through

'Easy path of Forgiveness'

Out of fear where I am unable to question beyond.. 

Further to all this, it's equally important that major issues are managed well not being influenced by the coming up mistakes!

Keywords: HISS, BITE

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