Wednesday, August 28, 2024


1. Safeguarding health by keeping off from wrong practices and wrong habits at the earliest..

It is truly said.. 

When health is there it's nothing but when it's not there everything is nothing..

Better late than never!

2. Practicing safety to the core however disgusting and monotonous it be..


Mishaps happen once in life..


Sure here, patience is virtue!

3. Getting reasonable stamped approved social behavior..

Don't want to join the majority and feel safe first rather than stand single and feel threatened? 

No doubt, the wrong is to be questioned but always thru' proper channels and here better remember..

Majority of the Society are bound by orderly behavior..

And so,

No second thoughts!

4. Ever having a feeling of being watched by law keepers?

Remember.. The long arm of law is always powerful..

And sure,

Delinquency is ever a sin!

5. Working to core with dedication..

All potential future Employers never like an individual who will spoil their job. They'll never pay and buy headache. As my basic survival is connected to my working on earth, why think of anything else?

Sure.. No pains; no gains!

Remember equally.. The early bird gets its worm!

6. Involving deep into family life..

A great responsibility being watched by all around how one handles it both in tough and good times and a sure way of myself growing inward thru' a dedicated Service here.. 

The Great Saint too was advised by His Master to take up this sacred task and live life full before embracing Spirituality..

Seen thus, I should never get away from this great task at any point of time, sure!

7. Handling money..

Money is not to be worshiped but is ever precious. On a rainy day, one can't earn but consumes.. 

Why not have a discipline in spending and safeguarding all precious monies in different investments not keeping at single point? 

Better know..

A lakh has just a hundred thousands only; not a single one extra!

8. The hobby..

It's a must one expresses through one of the famous Arts broadly defined in books. That expression is the gist of life and one can't kill it and remain rotten..

Truly said.. Art is long; life is short!

9. Being simple..

Going to the core and trying to do all basic works by oneself even if some one else can easily help in these defines this habit..

The basic works include the body maintenance work.. Feeding the body, washing, waste disposals and arranging all round for body’s requirement by oneself..

Yes.. Many times we were reminded.. 

God helps those who help themselves!

10. Involving in the works for community around and be supportive to the needy people..

One may not get time for this and the self in him/her says some one else will take care of that. But.. 

A feeling for other life

Is sure the Noble Gesture 

Beyond all the Prayers.. This attitude however small it be, when it dawns in one..


It gives enough strength to face difficulties with a smile, get up again and continue one's activities thru' 

The Eternal Calmness..

Worth millions of worldly possessions!

This post is a part of 



  1. So true eternal calmness worth millions

  2. that's what i call... food for thought. Very interesting.

    1. Thank you for the appreciation. A good comment on the Post.. Wishes!

  3. This post gives so much peace! Thanks for sharing

    1. That's so nice to hear Dr Rehana and thanks for the compliment.. Wishes!

  4. This post gives so much peace! Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is such a thoughtful and inspiring piece! It beautifully captures the essence of living a disciplined, mindful, and purpose-driven life. Each point resonates with timeless wisdom, urging us to prioritize health, integrity, and community. The reminders about the importance of family, financial responsibility, and simplicity are especially powerful. Truly, these are guiding principles for a life well-lived. Thank you for sharing these valuable insights! 🌟

    1. Such a valuable comment on the Post. Thank you for the appreciation.. Yes.. The Post describes the greatness of leading a well disciplined life that ever does good to us. Best Wishes!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks for the appreciation, Marietta Pereira. Wishes!
