Monday, September 23, 2024


I firmed up suddenly..
Anger, Greed, Pride and Jealousy
Should have no place in the dictionary of my life!"
And the plan was 'ON' from the next moment..

It may be a wonder..
They were just wiped out 
From my vicinity 
With the last trace of them
 Disappearing yesterday!

I was super cool..

There was a knock on the door..

"Who is that?"
I queried..
"I'm Calmness with 
My friends Charity, Humility and Generosity..
You have cleared your home from the 4, we are automatically here!"

"We've a problem!"
"What's that?"

"That one.. 
Desire next to you 
Is not permitting us to enter the premises.. 
We are squarely put off from acting!"

"Oh! Is it? No issues.. 
Right now, I'll tell it to let you 4 in.. 
One minute.. OK.. Done.. 
You've no problem now!"

"Thank you..
Soon you'll see 
Dramatic changes around you!"

Satan from Above laughed aloud..
As the
4 thought to be kept away enemies
Came back with mesmerizing garbs
Desire welcoming them with a wink
Diligently monitoring the activities in total!


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