Wednesday, December 9, 2020


'Water flows down the slope and that's Nature's Law.  
Wealth naturally needs to flow from the privileged to the needy. 
Man in tune with that Eternal Law is ever blessed.  
One who sidelines that and does different quoting whatever for discrete self gain, 
Forever remains less in the eyes of God!'

A man was of certain firm thinking,
  • “I never leave the benefits of bargain. There's a lot of cushion with a seller fixes a price or with the worker working for you demands higher payment. If you hold on to your stand, soon market level price prevails and that price alone is the right.

Thus I discharge my duty of respecting the Fundamental Law of Economics!” 

Another man was of different thinking,

  • “I don't bargain with really small sellers and small self employed people.. Instead, I add small percentage and give them as tips for the works they do for me. I strictly bargain with the well off but there too, I tip the working staff when they deliver those goods/services to me..
Thus I discharge my duty of respecting the Fundamental Law of Economics!” 

Finally the D day arrived and both the men were at the Gates of Abode of Bliss. The 2nd man was freely allowed in whereas the first one was squarely stopped. The man protested saying..

"All along, I respected the Fundamentals of Economics of the World in respect of earning, bargaining and spending where as 
that man broke the rule by giving away money without an equal return!"

The Celestial Voice said,

  • “It's one of the Truths considered . But a Greater Truth behind all these actions needs to be equally considered for overall assessment!"
"What's that Greater Truth I didn't follow?"
  • "All along, you hurt my Creation!"
"Being disciplined I helped the Creation by weeding out laziness where as that man very much encouraged it!"
  • "Our Records say that it's a small omission from his side. The greater damage happened to you because..
The needy who dealt with you cursed you in their hearts all along where as similar people blessed the other man in their hearts all the time. That's a bigger yardstick for this evaluation!" 

The Post is for BlogChatter to CauseAChatter..



  1. Thanks Sapna for promoting the Post on G+!

  2. Great lesson Sir. I realized it at some point of time in my life and now I have been following it for several years. Thanks for refreshening.

    1. Thanks Jitendra for the appreciation.. I'm just a follower of this Philosophy of life.. Due to the recent demonetization, as a few payments have become cashless even for medium service providers, I'm making it a point to see that reasonable tips are invariably paid to the delivery personnel in cash and thus be overall supportive for the cause.. A nice comment from your end!

  3. What a Gr8 Post Sir ! make it a Good Read

    1. Thanks Pooja.. A nice comment of appreciation on the Post!
